It’s really easy to just call someone in to have a look when something needs fixing, you need some shelves put up or you have a project in mind, but if you prefer to give things a go yourself it can bring a great sense of achievement. Many people who carry out their own DIY learn from experience and it often leads to ups and down but you definitely shouldn’t expect perfection to begin with. It can be a great learning curve for future projects and tasks. With some patience, the right tools and a bit of research you will have all the knowledge you need to tackle a range of DIY projects at home no matter how big or small. Follow our guide of simple steps that will help you become more successful at DIY and achieve results you can be proud of.
Gone are the days where you need to attend physical classes and workshops to learn how to do things. There are so many great resources online that will detail the instructions you need to carry out certain tasks. Even better, it’s pretty simple to find online tutorials and videos that you can follow before and during your project.
To really ensure you get the best results it’s so important to have a plan for your project. Depending on what your project entails, this could include drafting out a plan or making some notes of key points to remember from a previous project or tutorial. Make a plan of the materials and tools that you may need, this will save any last minute trips to the hardware store. It’s also important to measure materials and spaces correctly, jot measurements down so that you don’t have to remember everything. If you plan things out properly you will save yourself time and reduce the risk of unnecessary wasted materials and make for a more enjoyable and less frustrating experience.
It’s essential to have everything you need before you set out, no one wants to be running around trying to find the duct tape or a certain screwdriver half way through a job. Build a collection of staple items and consumables such as pencils, rags, tape and a Measuring Tape, that you are likely to need for a variety of different tasks.
Choose your tools carefully. It is extremely important to ensure you have the right tools for the job. Most of you will have a good selection of basic everyday hand tools. If not, then we have some great fully equipped Tool Kits available here at SJTools. If you need something more specific (and it’s worth researching this) it could save you time and effort and prevent your current tools from misuse. For example, if you were installing a new fence and needed to dig holes for the posts, a garden spade probably wouldn't get you very far and it may be worth considering purchasing an auger if your budget allows.
When it comes to DIY it’s all about the experience. Quite often DIY tasks take us out of our comfort zone and make you think outside of the box and it can be a real learning curve especially if you are trying something new. Allow yourself plenty of time, maybe double the amount that you think it may take, so that you don’t have to rush and you can carefully follow each of the steps. Once you have done something, you will have gained greater knowledge for the next time. If the results don’t turn out exactly how you envisioned, then it doesn’t matter. Be proud of what you have accomplished and learn to accept any imperfections.
It’s important not to give up at the first hurdle. Work out a way to overcome any difficulties that may arise and power through. Try not to abandon a project halfway through, this will only create an obstacle within your home and you’ll feel guilty everytime you pass it by. If time is an issue, try and spend a short period here and there to get it finished. This could be an hour or so in the evenings or a bit on a Sunday morning, whenever time permits you as every little really does help. This will make for a better DIY experience even if you don't achieve the flawless result you had hoped for. You'll still have the satisfaction that you completed the job and you'll be able to digest the things you've learned more efficiently, ready to put them to good use next time.
When DIYing, you are creating something of your own and the prospect of making a mistake is understandably daunting but try to remember that there is no lesson learned if you don’t try. The results may not be exactly what you planned or hoped for but the time, effort and process that you’ve taken make it so worthwhile. Follow this guide and we are sure you will have results you can be proud of.